Friday, January 7, 2011

Inspiration Board!

Good late morning all! I know I have been behind on the blog, but I still feel like I am catching up on sleep, so the blog will be up and running this weekend! By the way, I have been having my new favorite combo for breakfast: granola, a giant scoop of peanut butter, ground flaxseed, chocolate protein powder and honey. Yum! I feel like a need a healthy detox after a week of skiing and bar food.
Yesterday was gorgeous outside here in Omaha, sunny and in the upper 40s. I managed to eek out a 3 mile run outside! It was so nice to breath fresh, cold air during my run instead of circulated gym air. I am officially registered for two races this spring so I hope the weather stays nice!

Gina of "The Fitnessista" gave me the idea to make an Inspiration Board for 2011. I went through an assortment of Yoga Journals, Shape, Self, The Economist, and other magazines to cut out inspirational words, pictures or phrases to create my own hope for 2011. Hope you enjoy!


  1. I like the shoe cut-outs and the mixture of nature with words and food! great board

  2. Thanks!! It was pretty fun to put together. I really liked going through different magazines and finding inspiration. :)
