Sunday, December 19, 2010

French Toast and Tae Bo Sunday

This morning, it was hard to get out of this.

The unmade bed is made to stress how comfortable it is. I mean, seriously you can see my struggle to leave its cozy sheets.

And it's even harder to leave a face like this.

Nevertheless!!! Food and working out prevailed, and I eventually left the warm bedroom and headed to the kitchen.

I had been dreaming about trying a recipe for Kahlua French Toast that I found on one of my favorite blogs, "Itzy's Kitchen." It was amazing, heavenly delicious. Unfortunately, I inhaled three pieces of it so fast I wasn't able to get a picture. The recipe is a must try, and I will stick it in the "Food" Section. Thank you Erica! My kitchen still smells yummy!

Usually, I opt for yoga or Zumba on Sundays. Since my longer run was yesterday, I wanted to do something a little low key, but still fun.

And then I remembered the man with the fantastic colored shorts.

Now, I haven't done TaeBo in YEARS. And I remember being absolutely winded after one of the workouts. I was expecting it to be super easy.

I was out of breath and it was fun! This was a great way to break up my workout routine. Plus I just get a huge kick out of Billy Blank's and his music.

Afterwards, I pulled out a free weights workout from Fitness Magazine called "Right to Bare Arms."

I love this arm workout! Two circuits, and done! I will find this online and stick it in the "Fitness" section. It is short and painfully sweet.

Happy Sunday everyone!

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